Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oh the Fun Fun Times...

With how much I actually enjoy blogging, I don't seem to have the time to write. If you haven't heard, since the last time I wrote Sean and I got engaged! (let the middle school girl squealing begin)

That was back in June and we have had one crazy summer since then. It seems that we are continuing with the season of engagements, weddings, and now babies. It's official that all of my girlfriends (that I've been friends with since at least 6th grade) have kids now. We have had two new additions to our group, one in May and the second just a bout two weeks ago. Let me just say that I am one proud "Auntie Aimee". Each one of these kids are absolutely beautiful and I find myself infatuated with them. ALMOST as much as my very own niece and nephew.
Now of course they all have asked me how soon Sean and I will start having kids to add to the bunch. NOT ANYTIME SOON! haha I am in love with loving on their kids and giving them back. Sean and I have discussed no kids for a couple years and if God decides to bless us with one earlier then we'll obviously be thankful. But for now, we are soaking in this season.

How exciting it is to be getting married! As most people think, wedding planning is the most stressful thing ever. But apparently not for us. We have had very minimal stress since day one. We have greatly enjoyed every moment. Even the difficult ones. When something doesn't go as we'd hoped, we take a step back, re-adjust and try a different option. It has been so wonderful getting to learn how to discuss big life decisions with my future husband. And one thing that I think is the best of all... Sean is very much involved in the planning process! I know SO many couples that the wife says her husband was little to no help at all with planning their wedding. Pretty much the girl runs around like a panicked-everything needs to be perfect-bride and the guy just shows up at the church ready to go.
                   Well, not Sean. We discuss everything. Just about every decision is made by both of us.
                                    Man, am I blessed!

The biggest topic to figure out has been where to live. We have gone through the different options OVER and OVER again. This is the one thing that has brought stress. Do we live in my city or his? Who quits their job?
This is also a topic that some family members don't agree with. We have made our decision of where to live and trusting God with the Job situation and Finances. God has opened a door for us at the apartment complex that we had been impressed with. Right in the midst of one of our rough discussions on where to live, God opened an opportunity. Now I don't know why we had been stressing so much about this. As if we thought God wouldn't lead us in any direction. What little faith we have.

So now, in the midst of our wedding planning excitement, I am packing up to move into our first place!
          Lets just say if you know me at all, you'd know how excited I am about moving into a new space. I LOVE decorating and organizing. I'm so eager to make our space a home before Sean moves here! I just need to make sure I don't get so carried away with organizing that I get behind on wedding responsibilities! hehe

I can almost grantee you that I will post pictures of the new space as I put my flair on it!