Monday, February 20, 2012


I can't help but be irritated when people tell me that I shouldn't buy expensive things for other people for their birthday. I've been told that what I want to get Sean is more of a present someone should give at Christmas.
Well correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Christmas was about Jesus' Birth and Birthdays were where you celebrated the person.  So in my mind, people should get nice gifts for their birthday each year when they get a day to be celebrated. Christmas is to celebrate what God has done for us by sending his son.

Sean is apparently not that big on birthdays.
I, however, AM.

I don't know where I get it from since no one else in my family shares the same ideas...but I like the idea that everyone gets one day out of the year to feel extra special. I think it's important to celebrate the miracle of you being you. There is no other you. God made you and planned on you being born on a very special day. So that every year when that day comes by, you can remember just how special you really are.

Sometimes I get really excited about having a family of my own one day... yes, I will be the mom that wakes her kid up for breakfast all excited and goes above and beyond to make sure they know they're special. A card just wont do. I will have fun birthday parties or we'll go on adventures as a family.
It breaks my heart when I learn about people being given just a card and then being left alone the rest of the day. They deserve so much more. They deserve to be shown just how special they really are.

So even though Sean's birthday lands on a Wednesday this year.... I'll just have to be a bit more creative in how I show him just how special he really is. And that includes working hard to get him the one thing he really wants.....

Monday, February 13, 2012

Frustrated Customer...

Lets begin with a bit of frustration I need to get off my chest....
I use a certain bank... a bank that I have been a customer of for at least 5 years or so. I have not been happy with this bank for some time now... probably over half the amount of time I've had an account with them. Yet for some reason I've felt the need to just stick with the same bank, believing the non-sense that there isn't any better bank out there. I have continuously hoped that they would prove me wrong; that they were really better than what they seemed; that they cared about their customers and wanted to be of some help to them. Yet my online bank account is constantly out of order. They don't credit bills that I've paid until almost a week later - in some cases causing me more fines! 
Being someone who is finally able to work my way out of school and past debt (I was out of work for 4 months, had to pay my bills with a credit card and ended up finding a job that I made enough to only make minimum payments on bills for over a year. Now I'm full time at a place that takes very good care of me. All by the hand of God), I can't afford your mess ups - I count on your system to handle my finances the way you promised. You promised me many things when I opened an account with you. You promised that you would handle my checks and finances and any debit charges in a timely manor - now those time frames of which finances are supposed to be processed seem to be stretched farther and father and are preventing me from moving forward in this debt battle. Well, Goodbye. I'm fed up with your changing standards and your unhelpful staff that for some reason think I'm just some person trying to cheat the "system".
Oh I forgot to mention, I started an account at one of your biggest competitors in the area! I wanted to see if they lived up to their "promises" and yeah.... they do. They don't put a hold on my work checks, they keep my online banking account up to date - even the second after I use my debit card - it shows up. They don't repeatedly ask me to re-sign my checks with "AMELIA" cause they actually listened when I explained to them that I have two first names. They made a note on my account so I don't have to deal with that hassle every time I bring in a check. You might want to look at your business standards a little more closely - I think your competitor is going to keep winning over people in this area.

                                       Previous customer

P.S. I know I'm not 100% innocent with my financial situation - I've made my fair share of mistakes. But really I've made leaps and bounds on my end to be more responsible and plan ahead to make sure bills are paid on time.  But you've added extra delays on that too.... Do I really need to pay my bills over two weeks in advance for you to put my money where it belongs? Shouldn't be that way! It's not like I'm rolling in the money here...