Friday, January 27, 2012

Trying to get the lense to focus...

I'm not going to lie or pretend that I'm on the ball with everything.

I'm not.

 I feel as if I need to be put on ADD medication or something. It's just been so hard to focus on anything! I blame it all on lack of sleep.(even as I've typed the last couple sentences I have stopped and zoned out a handful of times...)

I started looking into prices for a "sleep number" bed last night. I mean this is getting ridiculous. my mattress is very old and I wake up every morning feeling as if I haven't slept in days and my back and neck have been hurting non-stop.
Why a sleep number bed? Well Sean and I talked about wanting one because we both have back pain and want something that we could make perfect for each of us in the long run. I know they're expensive but I feel like in the long run it would pay off. I'm finally going to build the queen size bed that I designed in the spring and my parents said they would buy me a new mattress when it's finished. I offered to pay half if I'm able to get the sleep number bed. I'll be honest, I'm looking forward to sleeping.

It's so hard for me to focus and have to motivation to do anything lately. Before the holidays I was really enjoying learning how to cook better and trying new recipes. I actually put some effort into working out regularly. Now, I feel like such a bum, haha. by the time I get home after work each day I'm just so exhausted! I've been relying on caffeine so much lately which has made me gain back the weight I lost before. When I'm at work I catch myself zoning out a lot. My boss has scared me twice already this week by walking up and talking to my while I'm zoning out.... on the plus side, I got a raise this week! I was so excited!
Crazy thing was that the morning I was thinking about talking to my boss about a raise I was sitting in my kitchen reading my "enjoy the silence" devotional book. I took a few moments when I was done reading to just slowing conversing with God and I was talking to him about how scared I was to even bring up the topic of a raise. I felt him say "just ask, I'll take care of you". I was like really?? It can't be that simple! Sure enough, I took a deep breath, walked into my boss office and mentioned that I was promised a raise after I was fully trained for my job and wondered where he stood with that (I've been here for almost a year and have been fully trained for at least 9 months). He said he'd be happy to give me a raise! He said he thinks I'm doing a GREAT job and he's impressed with how much I do.
So not only was I excited about that but the next day we hired a new receptionist and my boss asked me to give her a few of my responsibilities that get pushed aside when I get busy. So in two days I got a raise and was able to lighten my load at work! Praise the Lord! I just love how he takes care of me! He answers my heart prayers before I even make the effort to speak them out. He knows I've been stressed at work lately, feeling like I didn't have the time to get everything done. I love that he's got my back!

OK Last but not least....I'm just a couple hours away from heading to visit Sean! I've missed him so much these last few weeks! We were so spoiled when we were able to spend almost three weeks straight together. I think it's funny how we plan out our visits. We will sit on skype and make sure our calendars are synced so we know when each other is out of town or has things going on. We'll even plan when we're visiting each other three months in advance lol. I guess that's the process of a relationship that's always been long distance!
Distance really does make the heart grow fonder :)